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Vineyards and wineries dedicated to table grape and wine
The Valparaiso region is located in central Chile. Bordering to the south with the O’Higgins region, to the north with the Coquimbo region, to the east with Argentina and to the southwest with the Pacific Ocean, while in its southeast border limits with the region of Santiago. Valparaiso is one of the most important regions of the Chilean land thanks to its port industry and the presence of the National Congress of Chile in the capital of the region, the city of Valparaiso. The Valparaiso region has an approximate surface of almost 16,400 km2 and a population slightly higher than 1,800,000 of inhabitants. It is, therefore, the second most populated region of Chile, only surpassed by the region of Santiago. The urban centre of greater importance is Greater Valparaiso, a metropolis with almost a million of inhabitants.
The climate of the region of Valparaiso is determined by two factors. On the one hand, the presence of the Pacific Ocean, and, on the other hand, the actions resulting from the so-called Humboldt Current, an ocean current that originates from the rise of deep waters off the west coast of South America. This phenomenon was named after the famous German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt. The effects of this cold current are particularly notable in the central coasts of Chile, as well as in the neighbouring country of Peru. The effect of winds from the ocean, loaded with humidity, makes it possible to lower temperatures in coastal areas, as is the case in the region of Valparaiso. This Chilean region has three different types of climate. On the one hand, there is a steppe climate, which is a continuation of the one found in the neighbouring region of Coquimbo, whose main characteristics are completely clear skies and high light intensity. On the other hand, in the most coastal part of the region, we find a warm temperate climate with a high level of humidity (over 80%) and cloudiness present throughout the year. Finally, this warm temperate climate, with variations such as a decrease in relative humidity, is present in an area limited by the presence of the Coastal Range and the Andes.
The economy of the Valparaiso region is highly influenced by the port industry based on the fishing of different fish and sea fish. As it happens in other regions located on the north of Chile, in Valparaiso is also found the mining industry, centred in copper mine, as well as, calcium carbonate that makes possible the cement industry that results in the production of feldspar and talc. With regards to the industry, this congregates in the city and surroundings of Valparaiso, economic centre of the region. Another of the economic sectors that has a greater importance is the agricultural sector, which during the last decade has experienced a boom due, in part, to the exportation industry, in which the exportation of table grape is a highlight. The Valparaiso region produces about 30% of the Chilean table grape.
As with agriculture, tourism in the Valparaiso region has experienced a noticeable growth. In this sector it is worth mentioning the importance of Valparaiso city, declared World Heritage Site in which interesting places such as National Maritime Museum, the Paseo 21 de Mayo or several vantage points offering excellent views of the city thanks to the odd disposition of the city can be visited. The orography and climatology of the region allow the practise different touristic activities. From the sky, in ski resort such as Portillo, to the 25 wellness centres distributed far and wide along the region. One of the areas with important touristic activity in the region is Viña del Mar, headquarters of the popular Viña del mar International Song Festival that also has a complete hotel infrastructure. From Valparaíso is possible to access to two highly regarded places. First of all, the Juan Fernández Islands, with a large variety of botanical species which situate this enclave among the most important worldwide and declared Nature reserve by the UNESCO in 1977. Secondly, it is necessary to mention the Easter island, an impressive natural enclave characterised by the imposing presence of moai statues, as well as the possibility to visit volcano into a state of lethargy.
In the winemaking sector, the Valparaiso region has an extension of land dedicated to vineyards close to 20,100 ha. The percentage of these vineyards dedicated to the production of table grapes to be exported is up to 51%. The remaining 49%, therefore, the wineries of Valparaiso dedicate it to the production of white wine and red wine. The varieties of white grape reach a surface of 6,300 hectares, an extension that mean the 62% of the vineyard surface whilst the remaining 38% respond to red grape varieties.
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