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Infographic of the Denomination of Origin

Change to imperial units (ft2, ac, °F)Change to international units (m2, h, °C)
Total surface area:
300 ha741 ac
Altitude of the vineyards:
Min: 100m
Max: 3.500m
Min: 328ft
Max: 11.484ft
Min: 9º
Max: 26º
Min: 48°F
Max: 79°F
Yearly rainfall:
65 l/m26 l/ft2
The province of Huasco, known by the nickname of “Atacama garden” is the southernmost of the three provinces that form the region of Atacama. Its capital city is Vallenar. The development of the province of Huasco is closely linked to mining, even before the arrival of Spanish conquerors who followed with the indigenous tradition aimed to the mining of gold and copper. In Vallenar, deposits of gold and copper were settled.
There are two important historic areas in this valley. On the one hand, El Tránsito Valley has its origins in the Diaguita culture in the Norte Chico, Chile (the Diaguita people were not unified people finally conquered by the Inca empire) and; on the other hand, Alto del Carmen with a strong Spanish tradition.
On the outskirts of Vallenar, the Jesuits initiated the production of pajarete in Chile, using traditional methods imported from Spain. The characteristic flavor of pajarete is a result of factors such as the grapes from the province of Huasco, as well as the orography and weather conditions, with abundant sunshine throughout the year. The current production of pajarete is limited as it is developed by a small group of small-sized wineries.
In Toledo, within close proximity to Copiapó, in Valle de la Posesión, Chile was born and with it, also its wines. As it was the first inhabited territory of the conquest, Pedro de Valdivia ordered to be named as the Valle de la Posesión and here the first vines were planted.
A part of the agricultural production of the Huasco province is focused on the production of pajarete, a sweet wine of artisanal production which is limited by the lack of wine-producers. The pajarete, of Spanish origin, is a sweet quality ferment originating from the Chilean must. Aromatic and sweet in taste, the pajarete has a moderate alcoholic content and a pale cinnamon colour. Its characteristics make pajarete a very popular wine among the inhabitants of the province of Huasco and highly-appreciated by tourists who visit the province.
Outside the capital of Vallenar, we go into a region especially rural dedicated to the agricultural production. The predominant climate, in the Huasco Valley and also in the Valle del Tránsito and Alto del Carmen is similar to the Mediterranean climate. A tour from Vallenar to the coast goes through the Desert Bloom and emblematic locations such as Llanos de Challe National Park. The orography is abrupt with valleys nestled among hills and peaks that give shape to a meandering topography and full of colour.
Likewise, in the Atacama Desert, the weather conditions at night for astronomical observation are excellent, a fact that makes the province of Huasco into the place of pilgrimage for professionals and enthusiasts of astronomy.
D.O./Valle (wine regions)
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